Before You enroll in PAS you best read this article!
Released on = July 15, 2006, 1:38 pm
Press Release Author = Michelangelo Lopez
Industry = Financial
Press Release Summary = There are so many Home-based businesses that will take your money to the bank and leave you penny less!
Press Release Body = Internet friends, I have done my due dilegence. This is your favorite Preacher\'s Kid again, Michelangelo. And my partner, Alex, is right beside me as I write.
Everybody wants to work out of their homes!
Everybody wants to keep their pajamas on and earn money!
My preacher dad says,\"A laborer is worthy of his wages...\"
I believe this!
But don\'t think you are going to slump on your couch, eating bon bons, watching an I Love Lucy rerun and make lots of bankable money!
It\'s not going to happen.
Unless you are like Alex and I and came across PAS--Prosperity Automated System.
PAS is going to be on CNN and The Discovery channel!
PAS will not leave you penny-less!
In fact, my partner and I earn a lot of money per week with PAS.
But we do work hard!
Nothing is for free!
YOu know this ...
Most heart attacks happen between 8am and 9am in the morning because people dread to go to work...
Your potential heart attack days are over!
Contact us... And let\'s talk.
Web Site =
Contact Details = 5328 Mountain Vista #28 Las Vegas, NV 89120 702-686-4664